Happy Valentine's Day!
I can't remember enjoying this holiday as much as I did today, since elementary school!
It was simple and sweet for lots of little reasons but I'll give you the lo-down of my day just to explain what made it so perfect.
First off, I got to start the day doing something I love; I got to skate this morning (and I'll have you know I made it on time for the first time in... way too long). Joleen and I were both in a good mood so I worked hard and we had fun too. Just as I was leaving she caught up with me and gave me my first valentine of the day- I love her so much!!- as we discussed our plans for the holiday.
Next on my agenda was to visit Lise's second graders for their Valentine's Day party. I brought Jodie with me because she loves kids and wants to be a teacher, it was so fun to see her! We couldn't wait to meet the kids and as I got there they showered me with a million and a half questions:
"Are you ANGIE??", "Heeeeey Angie, I know who you are, did you know that?"
"Wait a minute... I though you were supposed to have blonde hair."
"Does Miss Welch like BYU or Utah better, PLEASE tell us!" -(punching his friend in the shoulder) "Hey you're not supposed to ask that she said she'd tell us at the end of the year!"
I had such a fun time and it was great to see all the kids enjoying the holiday. I loved those little parties we had in school when I was a kid. I would've taken a picture of the class to put up but some have photo release forms, bummer.
I finished the day off with a much needed nap and woke up just in time to go to class (and find out that our refrigerator was exploding and flooding the floors... that's another story though).
When I got home my Dad gave me a sweet Valentine's Day card (thanks Daddy I love you!) and my visiting teacher brought me some of my favorite chocolates (I love that woman).
A pretty good day if I do say so myself. I hope you all had a good day as well; single or not, busy or not, I hope you took advantage of the happy moments and enjoyed the little things.