Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Top Pick for Pics

Alright, I've started a blog. Now I just need to keep it up. In order to do so, I've thought of some things I need to do.

Number one: Do things that make my life seemingly interesting. I won't write unless I have something to write about which means that I need to make more projects, participate in more interesting events or activities... stuff like that. I read all these blogs from family and friends and their lives seem so... well, interesting. So hopefully I can come up with stuff that makes mine worth a read. 
Number two: Get excited about blogging. Before when I tried keeping a blog about a year ago, writing a post was almost daunting. I was caught up in all the work of high school and to keep a blog almost felt like another blasted assignment. I've noticed a difference since I've started this one. I'm excited to write. I want to do things worth writing about. I want to record things almost like a journal since I'm so terrible at keeping a written one. I'm hoping I'll maintain this motivation and this time, I really think I will.
Number three: And possibly the most important step of all... Pictures. What do you need to have pictures? A camera of course! Yes, I do have a camera. A small simple camera that takes decent pictures... but for the three or four years I've had it, I've had no motivation whatsoever to take it places and document things with it. Which is why I'm looking for something new, something better, something that I feel like I can take a picture and be proud of it with, and most importantly, something I'll want to take places with me so I can start documenting my life. I'm young and if I get started now, my future family, friends, and I will be able to enjoy the pictures I take today.

If you haven't read my sister Jamie's blog, you really should. She keeps it nicely decorated with pictures of her adventures, crafts, and daily events. I love seeing the latest picture of her crazy puppy Clare rolled up in a ball wearing her favorite sweater, or Meg smiling wildly as puffy snow sprinkles her little nose. Her shots are fantastic, requiring little and more often times, no editing... besides that fact that her picture taking skills are far above average (you'll have to see the pictures she did for my cousin's recent wedding.) I'd really like to start taking pictures like that. So, after discussing with her what kind of camera she suggests, I came to the conclusion that I need to invest in one of these:
A Canon Rebel. Jamie has a 2006 and it's been completely reliable and industrial since the day she got it.  I figure if I invest in one now it'll last me pretty much forever. They're a little pricey for the newer models but I plan to get an older one and save a few $$$. They're pretty much the same and it'll get me started on my picture pursuit.
The day I get my hands on one of these will be a very good day. I can't wait to get started.

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness... your life is very worth keeping track of... no matter how dull it may seem to you :)

    But I'm with you -- I definitely need to keep up on the blogging. I've had some quite extensive droughts... though I LOVE reading up on everyone else! :)
